Replica Louis Vuitton Monogram Denim Fairfax Pochette M82948
The Fairfax Pochette is made from stone-washed Monogram Denim and features a removable natural-leather shoulder strap. In addition to the main zippered compartment, there’s a small pocket on the front that closes with the House’s eye-catching tuck lock. The Fairfax Pochette has just enough room for an iPhone, a card holder, lipstick, and keys.
- 14 x 18 x 2.7 cm
- Denim Blue
- GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified cotton Monogram Denim
- Natural cowhide-leather trim
- GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified cotton lining
- Gold-color hardware
- Main compartment with zip closure
- Front pocket with tuck lock closure
- Fits: iPhone, card holder, lipstick, and keys
- Strap:Removable, adjustable
- Strap drop: 17.9 inches
- Strap drop max: 21.3 inches
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